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Workshop to explore mounting state and local transportation funding initiatives

Washington, D.C. — How to develop and lead a successful campaign to boost transportation investment at the state or local level will be the focus of a national July workshop held by the Transportation Investment Advocacy Center (TIAC) in Washington, D.C. The event will feature over a dozen public affairs leaders involved in recent major transportation funding and public-private partnership initiatives in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, Arkansas and Colorado, as well as top executives from leading public relations and opinion research firms Stratacomm, Ipsos Public Affairs, and Purple Strategies.

2014 National Council of State Legislators President and State Senator Bruce Starr (R-Ore.) will offer participants advice on how to make transportation investment a top priority for elected officials. 


Dr. Alison Premo Black, chief economist for the American Road & Transportation Builders Association (ARTBA), will outline national trends in state transportation initiatives and preview new research approaches to building support for increased investment. Senior ARTBA communications and marketing executives will show how infographics and social media can be used to create persuasive campaign messaging and branding. 

The “National Workshop for State & Local Transportation Advocates” is a signature initiative of TIAC, which was launched by ARTBA in March. The TIAC educational platform is promoted through a dynamic website, www.transportationinvestment.org. The internet resource features 39 detailed case studies of recent transportation funding campaigns — both successful and unsuccessful — mounted in 28 states. It also includes television, radio and print ads, polling, an overview of state and local funding and finance mechanisms, and an ongoing blog detailing new developments across the nation.

To view the workshop agenda and register for the event, visit www.transportationinvestment.org.