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Well into 2022, recruitment and retention remains a top challenge for AEC firms across the U.S.

Well into 2022, recruitment and retention remains a top challenge for AEC firms across the U.S.

Zweig Group’s recently released research publication, the 2022 Policies, Procedures, and Benefits Report focuses on Zweig Group’s industry data on all things relevant to human resources and the policies, procedures, and benefits firms in the industry are using to entice the industry’s talent to work at their organizations, and keep staff engaged, motivated, and working productively.

Hot topics in this report include how spending on HR departments and department composition has changed over the past year. Latest figures indicate that the top areas for HR spending are HR labor (60% of total spend) and training (17% of spend). Overall, HR spending has reached a ten year high, at a median 1.9% of net service revenue.

Other important findings explored in the report include what AEC firms are doing about flexible and remote work policies, the latest trends in Paid Time Off, and what benefits are most important to the workforce by various demographics (age, gender, job role).

For more information on Zweig Group’s 2022 Policies, Procedures, and Benefits Report, click here.

Zweig Group explored these findings and more in an in-depth webinar, available on demand here.