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WEF Stormwater Institute announces 2018 MS4 Award winners

WEF Stormwater Institute announces 2018 MS4 Award winners

New Orleans — On Monday, Oct. 1, 22 agencies received recognition by the fourth annual WEF National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Awards Program. The winners received their awards at the Stormwater Congress Luncheon held at WEFTEC 2018 in New Orleans.

Housed within the WEF Stormwater Institute, this awards program was developed to encourage innovation among municipal separate storm sewer system (MS4s) programs nationwide. The MS4 awards are intended to inspire leaders to seek new and innovative ways to meet and exceed regulatory requirements in ways that are technically effective and financially efficient.

The three award categories are Program Management, Innovation, and Overall Highest Score, which indicates the best performing programs. Each category has winners in both Phase I and Phase II communities. Phase I communities are medium and large cities or certain counties with populations of 100,000 or more. Phase II communities are smaller entities that operate an MS4.

The 2018 National Municipal Stormwater and Green Infrastructure Award winners are listed below.

Phase I Winners

  • Lexington-Fayette Urban County Government, Division of Water Quality – Program Management and Overall Highest Score
  • Louisville Metropolitan Sewer District, Kentucky — Innovation

Phase II Winners

  • City of Alexandria, Virginia — Innovation and Overall Highest Score
  • City of Auburn, Alabama – Program Management

In addition to the winners, the other applicants have been categorized into levels signifying their status among other MS4 communities nationwide. Each MS4 received a certificate indicating Silver or Gold level status in both program management and innovation.

Phase I recognition

Phase II recognition