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Transtec engineers share thoughts on being an engineer

Transtec engineers share thoughts on being an engineer

Austin, Texas — National Engineers Week, Feb. 19-25, aims to celebrate the accomplishments and contributions of engineers, increase understanding of engineering, and spark the interest of younger generations. In honor of Engineers Week, some of Transtec’s engineers share their inspirations, thoughts, and advice on being an engineer.

Maria Guercio, Project Manager at The Transtec Group, working on pavement design, design/build and public-private partnership projects.

Q: Who inspired you to become an engineer?

Guercio: My grandfather on my mom’s side. He was a small contractor back in my mom’s hometown in Sicily. He passed away before I was born, so I never met him, but my mom used to drive me around her town and point out all the different roads and buildings that my grandfather built. The town is up in the mountains, so if it weren’t for people like my grandfather, the town would be completely isolated from everything, including hospitals and schools. I am very proud of the work my grandfather did and how he improved that community. Sometimes we take for granted the effort it takes to create the infrastructure we use daily.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being an engineer?

Guercio: Engineers are exposed to many challenges and never stop learning, allowing you to grow throughout your career.

Q: What advice do you have for aspiring engineers?

Guercio: A lot of responsibility comes with being an engineer and it’s not easy, but all the hard work it takes to become an engineer is worth it. Engineers improve the standard of living in many ways and being part of that is very rewarding.

Kiran Mohanraj, Project Manager at The Transtec Group, working on pavement research and design.

Q: Who inspired you to become an engineer?

Mohanraj: My dad. When I was 7, my dad – who is an English professor – was helping me with a science experiment for a school project. I started asking questions about how I could continue to do cool things like that, and my dad said I could be an engineer. After that, I built my own cable car in my yard.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being an engineer?

Mohanraj: All the cool things I get to do. Every day I discover something new. It’s never monotonous or repetitive, it’s fun and interesting.

Q: What advice do you have for aspiring engineers?

Mohanraj: Go for it! You don’t get the kind of satisfaction you get by being an engineer with anything else.

David Merritt, Director at The Transtec Group, working on project management and pavement testing.

Q: Who inspired you to become an engineer?

Merritt: It’s hard to say, but probably my dad had a strong influence. He was a mechanical engineer, and even though I didn’t know a whole lot about what he did at the time, I think I got some of his traits in terms of learning how stuff works.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being an engineer?

Merritt: Problem solving and thinking of new ways to do stuff. I have a natural curiosity for how things work and how you could make something better.

Q: What advice do you have for aspiring engineers?

Merritt: Never stop learning. Ask questions and don’t just always accept things the way they are. Also… do your math homework!

Helga Torres, Project Manager at The Transtec Group, working on pavement evaluation, pavement research, and new technologies.

Q: Who inspired you to become an engineer?

Torres: My high school math teacher, who is also my aunt. I had her from 10th to 12th grade, and she inspired not only me but also a group of my friends. About 20 of us went on to engineering school after high school.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being an engineer?

Torres: The whole process. We go out there and see the road that needs work, we come up with a solution, and then we can see the construction, what we’ve designed and how it’s being implemented.

Q: What advice do you have for aspiring engineers?

Torres: Try it out! You might like it and you may be able to make an impact. Take advantage of STEM programs and get experience with many different branches of engineering. Don’t worry too much, because when you get to college you’ll take a lot of different classes and have time to figure out which area you like most.

George Chang, Director at The Transtec Group, working on pavement research and business development.

Q: Who inspired you to become an engineer?

Chang: Mentors in the industry. Years ago, I worked with people in the research field who became mentors to me. They helped to create a nurturing learning environment that I was able to immerse myself in and develop my passion for engineering.

Q: What do you enjoy most about being an engineer?

Chang: The difference and impact the work I accomplish makes. All the little things I’ve accomplished in my career add up and have made some impact on the industry, and that is very fulfilling to me. I also train and teach engineers from all over the world through workshops. I’ve taught more than 10,000 engineers over the last 20 years. That opportunity to share my passion and show people how excited I am about what I’m doing is also extremely fulfilling.

Q: What advice do you have for aspiring engineers?

Chang: Think big and work hard. Devote passion to what you’re doing, because without the passion it’s difficult to stay interested and inspired to do something above and beyond. Drive your effort towards that big vision.

Learn more about Engineers Week and getting involved at DiscoverE.org.