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Tekla launches new BIM application

ESPOO, FINLAND — To make BIM a tool for everybody, Tekla has launched a BIM application for model-based collaboration.

Tekla BIMsight is for contractors, designers, architects, MEP detailers, fabricators and anyone who is interested in combining models, checking for clashes, performing spatial coordination, and collaborating.

Tekla BIMsight allows anyone to combine and review building information models from all project team members. Models can be checked using clash management routines as well as manage and assign those clashes. Using the industry standard IFC format, Tekla BIMsight provides a 3D communication platform that makes sharing models and information clear and easy.

“Tekla’s mission is to enable BIM for everyone, multiplying the users’ potential to think and achieve big in their projects and businesses,” said Tekla Inc. Managing Director Hans Ehrnrooth. “Leveraging BIM as a centralized process rather than ‘just a 3D model’ requires cooperation and goodwill between the construction disciplines.”

Tekla BIMsight is ready to download for free by visiting https://www.teklabimsight.com/.