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StreetLight Data Delivers Early 2019 Traffic Counts for Nearly Every Road in the Continental U.S., Available On Demand

StreetLight Data Delivers Early 2019 Traffic Counts for Nearly Every Road in the Continental U.S., Available On Demand

 New Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) for 2019 Available Now

SAN FRANCISCO, CA – March 5, 2020 – StreetLight Data, Inc, the leader in data analytics for mobility, today launched Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) counts for 2019 on the StreetLight InSight® platform. For the third straight year, StreetLight provides the industry with early AADT metrics, enabling organizations to quickly and easily access 2019 traffic counts without waiting for months of processing time as with traditional methods.

“We strive every year to offer earlier and earlier AADT metrics,” said Laura Schewel, CEO and co-founder of StreetLight Data. “The sooner agencies have this essential information on traffic counts, the sooner they can observe changes in regional traffic patterns, submit accurate requests for funding, and generally free up time for other important transportation projects.”

AADT is a critical measurement for analyzing infrastructure projects and congestion, estimating road safety, or seeking highway funds. Historically, AADT counts have been measured manually, without coverage of all roads, and at a high cost. From getting approval, to training staff, collecting traffic counts, and validating the data, deriving just a few thousand counts can take months and cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Instead, planners and engineers now can save time and money by accessing StreetLight’s early and comprehensive AADT metrics. For example, a Metropolitan Planning Organization in the Midwest uses StreetLight’s on-demand AADT every spring to access region-wide traffic counts, without relying on data from municipalities, many of which don’t have the resources to measure and report traffic counts.

Using the StreetLight Insight® software platform, counts can be delivered on-demand and in minutes for accurate AADT along the vast majority of U.S. roads.

StreetLight’s AADT 2019 exceeds industry accuracy standards, covering over four million miles of urban and rural roadway. For 2019, training data was captured from 29 states across the U.S., an improvement from the 26 states used in the 2018 model. StreetLight’s AADT sample size also increased 2 – 4X over last year. This year’s data validation maintained its high R2 value of 0.96.

Based on over 100 billion monthly location records across the country, collected from smartphones, connected cars and trucks, StreetLight’s algorithms draw on 365 days of data on more than four million miles of roadway.  Available for urban and rural roads big and small, the company’s AADT 2019 counts outperform industry-standard accuracy targets, as published today in StreetLight Data’s 2019 AADT Methodology and Validation white paper, available on request.

StreetLight 2019 AADT for test data compared to permanent counter AADT at 6,000+ locations across the U.S.; R2 is 0.96.

About StreetLight Data

StreetLight Data pioneered the use of data analytics to help transportation professionals solve their biggest problems. Applying proprietary machine-learning algorithms to over four trillion spatial data points over time, StreetLight measures diverse travel patterns and makes them available on-demand via the world’s first SaaS platform for mobility, StreetLight InSight. From identifying sources of congestion to optimizing new infrastructure to planning for autonomous vehicles, StreetLight powers more than 3,000 projects every month.