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Staying Connected – Casella Supports Fence Line Monitoring with Free Data Offer

Staying Connected – Casella Supports Fence Line Monitoring with Free Data Offer

We’re used to having data easily accessible and at our fingertips 24/7. From weather forecasts to sports scores, instant connectivity and easily available data ensure we can be proactive as well as reactive.

Ease of data availability in Construction workplaces should be no different, especially when that data is a vital component of site safety and compliance. World-leading environmental monitoring manufacturer Casella is supporting environmental consultants and managers within the construction and demolition sectors with a new initiative to make environmental data more accessible.

For a limited time, Casella is offering one year of free data* connectivity to customers purchasing its award winning Guardian2 fence line combined monitoring solution.

Fence line monitoring is a key part of a working construction site’s safety ecosystem. Consistent monitoring for hazards including excess levels of dust, noise, vibration and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) is key to ensuring that sites are compliant with local authority regulations and good relationships are kept with site neighbors. Boundary/fence line monitoring also plays an important role in reputational management – making sure that projects do not cause friction with site neighbors with excess levels of noise or dust that may cause complaints.

Combined fence line monitoring solutions, such as the Casella Guardian 2, bring together individual hazard monitoring devices in one enclosure, which can be easily installed at the edge of a site and, once powered, require minimal further interaction. Data capture continues seamlessly, and reporting can be entirely customised to suit the needs of the end user.

Operators can use the Guardian2 to get exactly the data they need, whenever they need it. Reports can be set up for single monitoring streams (e.g. noise or dust only) or including all monitoring results. Automated reports can be sent daily, weekly, or monthly, directly to an email inbox in graphical or tablature formats.

Users aren’t limited to routine passive monitoring results; text or email alerts can be configured for any measured parameter, or for device errors such as power loss, allowing operators to react quickly to exceeded hazard levels or out of action equipment. Access levels are also fully customisable, allowing users to specify who receives and can configure reports, and to connect to different Guardian2 units on multiple sites remotely using Casella’s secure online access point.

 ‘Having flexible access to consistent, accurate monitoring data is vital to ensuring project safety, for employer, employee and site neighbors alike’ says Tim Turney, Casella Global Marketing Manager. ‘Construction project budgeting is always tight, especially in the current climate, and cost of data should not be a barrier to ensuring sites operate safely and compliantly, or indeed to prevent work being stopped on site because limits are exceeded.’

To find out more about the Casella range of monitoring solutions, visit www.casellasolutions.com

Terms and conditions can be found on the Casella website.