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Simpson Strong-Tie donates to Clemson University Institute to support wood products building

Simpson Strong-Tie donates to Clemson University Institute to support wood products building

Pleasanton, Calif. – Simpson Strong-Tie donated $50,000 to Clemson University’s Wood Utilization + Design Institute. The Institute brings together foresters, architects, engineers and other building industry professionals to design advances in wood-based products through education and training, product research and development, and development of technical and design solutions.

“Simpson Strong-Tie has been a strong supporter of Clemson University’s work in wood construction for many years, with sponsored research, product donations and other projects,” said CEO Karen Colonias. “We are pleased to continue our support by funding the Wood Utilization and Design Institute.”

A representative from Simpson Strong-Tie will also serve on the institute’s advisory board and work with other board members to shape the direction of the institute.

“Clemson’s WU+D Institute is delighted to have the support of Simpson Strong-Tie. Innovation in wood products is intimately linked to innovation in fasteners and connections. The support financially and intellectually of Simpson Strong-Tie allows us to be on the cutting edge of the next generation of wood building products and systems,” said Patricia A. Layton, director Wood Utilization + Design Institute.