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Seven States receive More Than $10 Million to Test New Ways to Fund Highways

Seven States receive More Than $10 Million to Test New Ways to Fund Highways

Washington, D.C. — The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) announced $10.2 million in Surface Transportation System Funding Alternatives (STSFA) grants to seven states to test new ways to finance highway and bridge projects.  The program’s goal is to allow states to test user-based alternatives to support the Highway Trust Fund, which relies primarily on the federal gas tax.

“These grants provide states with the opportunity to explore innovative new ways to help pay for infrastructure improvements and maintenance,” said Deputy Federal Highway Administrator Brandye L. Hendrickson.

The STSFA grants fund projects to test the design, implementation, and acceptance of user-based alternative revenue tools.  FHWA officials selected proposals from seven states – California, Delaware, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, Oregon, and Utah.

The seven projects will investigate and evaluate various mileage-based and road-user charges, including for trucks and automated vehicles, and the implementation and operation of the technologies at a regional level.

STSFA was established under the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act.