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Rutgers University announces continuing education courses for engineers

Rutgers University announces continuing education courses for engineers

New Brunswick, N.J. — The NJAES Office of Continuing Professional Education, Rutgers Cooperative Extension, Rutgers University announced five continuing education courses offering New York Professional Engineer Development Hours and New Jersey Professional Engineer Continuing Professional Competency Credits.

Groundwater in Fractured Bedrock, March 27, 2019, in New Brunswick, N.J., focuses on practical aspects of groundwater in the fractured sedimentary bedrock of the Newark Group (Brunswick Aquifer), where thousands of sites have been impacted by industrial contaminants. More information and registration: https://www.cpe.rutgers.edu/courses/current/ew0108ca.html

HEC-RAS: An Intensive Three Day Workshop, April 3-5, 2019, in Somerset, N.J., provides a comprehensive overview of the steady flow capabilities of the current version (V5.0.4) of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Hydrologic Engineering Center River Analysis System (HEC-RAS) program. More information and registration: https://www.cpe.rutgers.edu/courses/current/ew0401cb.html

Pond Design, Management and Maintenance, April 18, 2019, in Hillsborough, N.J., teaches how to build a pond, including construction of embankments and dams and the selection and installation of liners. Attendees will also learn how to create and maintain a stable shoreline, create and aquascape littoral benches, and optimize habitat for fish and aquatic wildlife. More information and registration: https://www.cpe.rutgers.edu/courses/current/ew0315ca.html

Alternative Energy for Water and Wastewater Operators, May 20, 2019, in New Brunswick, N.J., presents information on the materials and devices used in alternative energy systems, conversion, storage, and generation. More information and registration: https://www.cpe.rutgers.edu/courses/current/eq0401ca.html

Restoration Ecology, June 5, 2019, in Somerset, N.J., focuses on multidisciplined recovery of degraded, damaged, or impaired ecosystems. More information and registration: https://www.cpe.rutgers.edu/courses/current/ew0330ca.html