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Opportunities for private-sector investment in infrastructure

Opportunities in Transportation Infrastructure, May 14-16 , 2008, in Washington, D.C., features a line-up of state and federal transportation representatives who will brief attendees on their upcoming initiatives and the role they would like to see the private sector play in their projects for roads, bridges, tunnels, airports, and ports, including private-sector investment. In addition, the conference will feature private-sector players who are actively developing and financing transportation infrastructure projects. They will share their insights on how private-sector companies can add maximum value to the upcoming projects and successfully participate.

Keynote speakers include David Crane, special advisor to the governor of California for jobs and economic growth; and T. Peter Ruane, Ph.D., president and CEO, American Road and Transportation Builders Association. Senior representatives from the following agencies are scheduled to give briefings:

  • BART Oakland Airport Connector
  • City of Chicago
  • Colorado Department of Transportation
  • Commonwealth of Massachusetts
  • Federal Highway Administration
  • Nevada Department of Transportation
  • Northwest Parkway Public Highway Authority
  • Oregon Department of Transportation
  • Partnerships British Columbia
  • Philadelphia Regional Port Authority
  • Port of New Orleans
  • State of California
  • State of Pennsylvania
  • Texas Department of Transportation
  • U.S. Department of Transportation
  • Virginia Department of Transportation
  • Washington State Department of Transportation

According to conference organizers, the briefings allow private-sector attendees to get the latest market intelligence and gauge current opportunities in the market; government transportation officials can learn how other states and localities are approaching their projects.

In addition, a pre-Conference tutorial focuses on critical considerations necessary to establish the structure for a successful transportation infrastructure project. Topics to be covered include asset due diligence, tax considerations, risk allocation and bankability, local law considerations, remedies and enforcements, the federal policy debate (and its implications for funding), and public-public versus public-private partnerships.

More information and registration is available online at www.infocastinc.com/transinf.