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New web portal for ICC will allow online access to building codes

Washington, D.C.Citation Technologies, Inc. and the International Code Council (ICC) announced a partnership to create a web portal that allows efficient access to ICC’s collection of international, state, and legacy codes and standards for building safety and fire-prevention professionals. The updated system, Premium eCodes, will provide users a number of formats, including downloadable PDFs, printable options, and immediate access to codes and regulations online.

The new Premium eCodes software integrates codes and internal policies into a single, electronic format, which helps building professionals manage cost-saving and safety efforts. Safe buildings are achieved through proper design and construction practices in concert with a code administration program that ensures compliance. The ICC’s programs establish uniformity in the construction industry, which allows materials manufacturers to conduct business on a larger scale and pass the savings along to the consumer.

This system update will transition the four-year-old software from the old folio format to the web portal system and will contain the last three International coding and standards upgrades from 2006, 2003, and 2000, which includes more than 300 documents. Premium eCodes will feature several tools, including a powerful index and search system, document comparison, annotation editor, and other customizable options. Both members and nonmembers will be able to retrieve international, state, and local adopted codes through Premium eCodes, thus providing a large population of architects, engineers, fire officials, and contractors greater accessibility.

For more information on the updated eCodes software, visit Premium eCodes.