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New name for PPI division reflects expanding use of HDPE conduit

New name for PPI division reflects expanding use of HDPE conduit

Growth of wind and solar power installations, such as this solar farm in Missouri that used more than 19,000 feet of Cable in Conduit, prompted the Plastics Pipe Institute change the name of its Conduit Division to the Power & Communications Division.

Irving, Texas — The Plastics Pipe Institute, Inc. (PPI) announced that its Conduit Division has been renamed the Power & Communications Division (PCD).  The change was prompted by growth within the division, uses of conduit in rapidly developing applications, and to reflect the types of solutions that high-density polyethylene (HDPE) conduit can provide.

Comprised of conduit manufacturers, equipment suppliers, accessory producers and other companies, the Power & Communications Division focuses on educating specifiers, end users and installers by providing expertise, technical reports, guides and manuals.  PCD is also the industry liaison to government agencies and cooperates closely with standards development organizations (SDOs) such as AASHTO, ASTM, NEMA and UL to share information, help develop product standards and manuals, and broaden understanding about the product and its capabilities for various uses.  PPI is the major trade association representing all segments of the plastic pipe industry.

“This name transition was brought forward by our members,” stated Tony Radoszewski, CAE, PPI president, “because they felt it was a natural fit that is more indicative of the role of the division and the markets it serves.  PCD’s mission is to expand knowledge about uses and benefits of HDPE conduit in all its forms of use.  The division has been extremely prolific in the past couple of years in the development of new products and collateral that provides the industry a single-source hub for information about products, standards, regulations and best management practices.”

Lance MacNevin, P. Eng., director of engineering for the PCD explained, “Our division continues growing, adding new members and undertaking more initiatives, such as research projects and new publications to support the industry.  Sales of HDPE underground conduit pipe increased in 2016.  Fiber optic networks continue to grow, and more power cables are being placed underground as utilities safeguard their power lines.  Plus there is rapid expansion of HDPE conduit being used in solar and wind farms.  It is imperative that the power and communications industries have access to solid, vetted and impartial facts and information, which is the primary goal of PPI’s PCD.  The new division name exemplifies our focus on the solutions that HDPE conduit provides, and not just the product itself.”

Additional information including the division’s technical documents and resources can be found on the updated PPI website at www.plasticpipe.org/power-comm.