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New ASCE Publication Focus on Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability

<strong>New ASCE Publication Focus on Infrastructure Resilience and Sustainability</strong>

Reston, Va. – With increasing population and the worsening climate crisis, the engineering community need to focus on infrastructure challenges; how it is designed, constructed, used, and disposed of to reduce the impact we have on our planet and to ensure sustainable development. The latest publication from American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE), Integrating Resilience and Sustainability into Civil Engineering Projects, Infrastructure Resilience Publication 6, describes how the engineering community is working to integrate social science, policy, and economics into the planning, design, and management decisions surrounding physical infrastructure projects. 

Topics addressed include characteristics of resilience and sustainability; incorporation of resilience and sustainability into projects; practical guidance; policy, project definition, and planning; design, procurement and construction; and case studies. Providing practical guidance on integrating sustainability and resilience into projects, IRP 6 will be of interest to engineers, economists, and sociologists working to integrate social science, policy, and economics into the planning, design, and management decisions surrounding physical infrastructure. 

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Limited review copies are available for book reviews. Please contact Leslie Connelly, lconnelly@asce.org.