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NACTO welcomes Toronto as first international member city

New York — The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) announced that the City of Toronto has joined as NACTO’s first International Member. In joining NACTO, Toronto further demonstrates the city’s commitment to sustainable transportation policies and livable city street design standards.

“I’m extremely pleased that the City of Toronto is the first international member to join this group of leading city transportation officials,” said Stephen Buckley, General Manager of Transportation Services for the City of Toronto. “NACTO has a proven track record in developing better urban transportation design, and I’m excited to see Toronto benefit from, and contribute to, the great innovations that NACTO is advancing.”

“Cities in the United States can learn a great deal from our neighbors in Canada, and vice versa, and I’m thrilled to welcome Toronto to the NACTO network,” said Ed Reiskin, NACTO President and Director of Transportation for the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency. “One of NACTO’s greatest strengths is our collective expertise in city transportation solutions, and Toronto will further bolster our strong peer network.”

Toronto’s Division of Transportation Services, responsible for streets, sidewalks, and bikeways within the city, is committed to ensuring safety for all street users; enhanced mobility for all modes; an attractive, accessible, sustainable public realm; and maintaining quality infrastructure as a foundation for Toronto’s economic vitality.

Toronto’s five-year transportation workplan includes revisiting the city’s design standards, developing a new plan for on-street bikeways, implementing a congestion management strategy, improving surface transit, and furthering the city’s work to build complete streets.

NACTO is an association of 33 cities formed to exchange transportation ideas, insights and practices and cooperatively approach national transportation issues. Members include Atlanta, Baltimore, Boston, Charlotte, Chicago, Denver, Detroit, Houston, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, New York, Philadelphia, Phoenix, Portland, San Diego, San Francisco, Seattle, Toronto and Washington, DC. Affiliate members of NACTO include Arlington (VA), Austin, Boulder, Burlington (VT), Cambridge, Fort Lauderdale, Hoboken, Indianapolis, Louisville, Memphis, Oakland, Salt Lake City, Somerville (MA), and Ventura (CA).