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‘Minister of State Visits Key Rail Supplier to Explore Life Saving Solution’

‘Minister of State Visits Key Rail Supplier to Explore Life Saving Solution’

Andrew Stephenson, Minister of State (Department for Transport) visits AUS Ltd to witness their environmentally critical solution to level crossing fatalities.

It’s been an exciting time at AUS Ltd recently, typified by a visit from Andrew Stephenson, Minister of State (Department for Transport). Mr Stephenson, joined by an assembly of MPs and local councillors such as MP Mark Eastwood of Dewsbury, Mirfield, Denby Dale and Kirkburton, came to AUS to see first-hand the ground-breaking innovation that has been developed. The top priority of the visit was for Stephenson to witness AUS’ work with Fiber Reinforced Polymers (FRP) due to the exciting potential of using FRP across British infrastructure.

The specific product on Stephenson’s agenda was AUS’ innovative FRP footbridge to run over level crossings. The bridge nullifies the need for pedestrians to walk across level crossings that cause threat to public lives. Not only does the bridge provide public safety from trains, it also has a dramatic effect on the Government’s goals for Net Zero by 2050. The bridge achieves this as the material of choice is approximately 60% lighter and less dense than traditional materials such as steel, whilst not compromising any strength and integrity. This culminates in less Co2 emissions being emitted in production, transport, and installation. Additionally, the material is produced in state-of-the-art facilities in an ‘Energy-Plus’ rated factory, and also has very few maintenance requirements which again has positive environmental implications.

The possibility of getting such a revolutionary and potentially game-changing product across British railways and beyond was of great interest to Stephenson, who stated “Innovative suppliers such as AUS are using their considerable expertise to help engineer state of the art rail infrastructure across the UK’s rail network, such as their work with fibre reinforced polymers. As well as playing a key role supporting local growth and employment opportunities, they are dedicated to nurturing talent and providing opportunity through the focus they place on apprenticeships. Companies such as AUS are key to driving our rail future and my recent visit to their Huddersfield offices underlined their passion in this sector, aligning with the Government’s rail ambitions.””. 

In addition, Richard Binks, Head of Major Project and Infrastructure at North Yorkshire County Council said “AUS Ltd ably demonstrated their expertise, commitment, product quality and presented a very clearly talented team. The machined steel and GRP structures quality was very impressive indeed”.

AUS are expert suppliers to the rail, electrical supply, telecommunications, and arboriculture markets and supply major contractors such as Network Rail and National Grid. The organisation supplies innovative, safety critical electrification equipment as well as providing a range of services such as equipment testing, training, and repair, in addition to in-house manufacturing and innovation. Please follow the below link to the AUS Ltd website to find out more about their products and services. Alternatively, contact them by phone on 01484 860575, or email them at info@aus.co.uk.