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Michael Baker International to develop statewide stormwater program for UDOT

Salt Lake City — Michael Baker International is applying its broad expertise in water quality and water management to solve a complex statewide challenge for the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT). Company experts are working with UDOT to develop a comprehensive stormwater management plan and individual Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans for more than 100 maintenance and equipment facilities operated by UDOT.

“Effective stormwater management is a critical mandate for communities large and small – from protecting the water supply and preventing flooding to reducing pollution,” said Mike Arens, vice president and office executive for Michael Baker’s Utah operations. “Michael Baker has demonstrated experience in developing intricate stormwater management plans for Caltrans and a number of municipalities in California and Arizona, and our nationally recognized experts are now applying their knowledge to help UDOT solve their challenges. Our solution is focused on EPA compliance as well as the anticipated demands of tomorrow, particularly in areas that are expecting growth in the years to come.”

The Michael Baker-led team has completed an evaluation of UDOT’s facilities statewide to gather data for the development and updating of stormwater pollution prevention plans. They have also been developing standard operating procedures and design guidelines for future pollution prevention measures along with a comprehensive training program for all UDOT facility personnel. 

The next phase of the project, recently awarded to Michael Baker, involves mapping UDOT’s storm drain systems and outfall locations statewide. The mapping project will help to fill gaps in the initial drainage GIS data collection. A complete inventory of storm drains in the state will help UDOT manage the performance of storm drains and monitor potential pollution discharge in compliance with the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) MS4 Storm Water Discharge Permit.