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ST. LOUIS, MO – Lawrence Group is excited to announce that its Director of Talent Development Tyra Duren, PHR has been accepted into Zweig Group’s 2024 ElevateHER® cohort, a special group focused on developing and disseminating pragmatic solutions to the AEC industry’s recruitment and retention crisis. See the complete list of cohort members here.

“My passion for creating an inclusive and empowering workplace for women and minorities in leadership is a driving force behind my professional endeavors. I firmly believe that diversity is not just a checkbox but a cornerstone of success. Cultivating an environment where women are not only welcomed but actively supported in leadership roles is essential for unleashing untapped potential and fostering a dynamic, collaborative atmosphere. I am dedicated to implementing policies that champion equal opportunities, mentorship programs that nurture female talent, and a culture that values and amplifies diverse voices. By fostering a workplace where women thrive in leadership, we not only break down barriers but also unlock a wealth of creativity, innovation, and resilience that propels the entire organization forward. I am committed to being a catalyst for positive change, ensuring that every woman in the workplace not only has a seat at the table but also an influential voice in shaping our collective success,” Duren stated.

ElevateHER® was founded in 2019 with a resolute focus in forging pathways to success for underrepresented groups by serving as the connector and a central hub for relevant resources and information. Since its inception, ElevateHER® has brought together more than 120 alumni, 50 esteemed speakers and advisors, and 60 partnering AEC firms. New cohort members have the opportunity to continue building on any established ElevateHER® project, or work with other cohort members to come up with a new idea. Solutions from past cohorts are hosted/curated as open resources and are available on the ElevateHER® website.

Lawrence Group CFO Laura Conrad commented, “Tyra’s acceptance into Zweig Group’s ElevateHER® program is a powerful testament to her dedication to advancing both our organization and the entire AEC industry. As CFO, I recognize the crucial role talent plays in our success, and Tyra’s participation in this prestigious program will equip her with invaluable tools and connections to tackle the industry’s recruitment and retention challenges head-on. Her insights and solutions will not only benefit Lawrence Group and its affiliate companies but also contribute to a more diverse and thriving future for the entire architecture, engineering, and construction landscape. We’re incredibly proud of her accomplishment and excited to see her ElevateHER® journey unfold!”

The 2024 cohort will meet in-person for the first time at the ElevateHER® Symposium on March 6 in Irving, Texas to kick off their mission-driven journey, and carry on the ElevateHER® legacy. The Symposium is intended for anyone interested in solving the AEC industry’s top challenge – recruitment and retention – through the lenses of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

“ElevateHER® is built on the premise that our legacies are inextricably linked, and we are all called to act,” said Shirley Che, Director of Field Marketing & Learning at Zweig Group. “The relationships and camaraderie that develop between cohort members, advisors, and speakers are the bonus that we don’t advertise enough. The members of this network remain closely knitted and often become each other’s trusted personal resource, and that’s incredibly invaluable.”

About Lawrence Group 

Founded in 1983, Lawrence Group is an integrated planning and design firm headquartered in St. Louis, MO with professional staff in Texas, Florida and New York. Using the power of people with great ideas to bring their clients’ dreams to life, Lawrence Group specializes in architecture, interior design, master planning, landscape architecture and furniture procurement. Lawrence Groups’ talented team of professionals work nationally and locally in healthcare, education, retail, hospitality, housing, senior living and workplace with the common goal of providing legendary customer service.

To learn more about this powerful alignment of experience and expertise, visit www.thelawrencegroup.com or contact Enterprise Director of Marketing Rommel Medrano at rommel.medrano@thelawrencegroup.com.