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Land & Water and Thames Tideway will repurpose over 6million tonnes of spoil whilst creating new wetland habitats in Rainham

Construction and civil engineering are often industries associated with damaging the environment and using unsustainable methods or materials. However leading wet civil engineering firm Land & Water is committed to proving this stereotype wrong. This commitment is reflected in its projects. The firm’s Habitat Creation Scheme in Rainham is using repurposed material from the Thames Tideway Tunnel project in order to create wetlands and encourage species cultivation along the Thames corridor.

Land & Water has used sustainable transport to ship over 1.4 million tonnes of spoil from the east and west sections of the tunnel in order to use both the clay and chalk to create an environment that can harvest its own water, attract new species and provide great environmental research opportunities and biodiversity benefits. Proving that engineering can also enhance the natural world.

Land & Water will operating the restoration scheme until 2042, resulting in over six million tonnes of wet and dry spoil material being repurposed and 110 hectares of valuable habitat being created.

Tom Melhuish, Director of Land & Water Remediation, has helped Tideway to produce a video that explains the ways in which the Habitat Creation Scheme and Thames Tideway Tunnel are working together. He is available to talk in more depth about the benefits of this scheme and the ways in which Land & Water is making a positive impact on both the industry and the environments it works within.

Please find the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=714dhojw_DU