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Interstate Bridge Replacement program seeks community input on cultural and historic resources

<strong>Interstate Bridge Replacement program seeks community input on cultural and historic resources</strong>

VANCOUVER, WASH. – A new online open house sharing details and asking for community comment about work researching and identifying historic and archaeological areas in and around the bi-state Interstate Bridge Replacement program is now available. Comments can be submitted through Thursday, May 18.

The online open house is part of a robust cultural resources consultation process federally mandated under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act, which requires consideration of the potential effects of projects on historic properties. Community feedback is essential in this process to better understand these important historic sites and accurately analyze potential effects of program work and investments.

Any adverse impacts to historic properties identified will be avoided, minimized or mitigated where necessary. A Programmatic Agreement is expected to be completed in late 2024, which will cover any mitigation efforts agreed upon by consulting parties and stakeholders, including federal agencies, federally recognized tribes, project consulting partners and the general public.

Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act online open house

When: Monday, April 17, to Thursday, May 18 

Where: www.interstatebridge.org/cultural-resources-open-house

Details: The online open house will be available 24/7 for 30 days during the public comment period and offers the chance to attend at any time that fits in with attendees’ schedules. The online open house will provide information about research to identify historic and archeological resources near the Interstate Bridge Replacement program and gather community input about these resources to help program staff best understand these important places. For more information, contact culturalresources@interstatebridge.org

Free, temporary internet access is available to those who do not have broadband service in locations throughout Washington. To find the nearest Drive-In WiFi Hotspot visit: www.commerce.wa.gov/building-infrastructure/washington-state-drive-in-wifi-hotspots-location-finder/

Free WiFi access is available at these locations for people who wish to participate in the online open house/meeting:

  • Vancouver Community Library, 901 C Street, Vancouver 
  • Charles Jordan Community Center, 9009 N Foss Avenue, Portland 

Hyperlinks within the release: