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Inspection and Data Collection Protocol to Monitor Performance of Biotic Soil Technology

Inspection and Data Collection Protocol to Monitor Performance of Biotic Soil Technology

One vexing issue facing successful restoration of disturbed sites is lack of available topsoil to create viable environments for establishing sustainable vegetation. In the absence of adequate sources of topsoil, new techniques have been developed to treat and revive depleted soils to render them more capable of accelerating and sustaining vegetative growth. Essentially, on-site soils can be “engineered” to improve their physical and biological properties. The meticulous introduction of organic matter, agronomic amendments, plant biostimulants and soil building components can effectively turn marginal soils into productive and sustainable growth media. Biotic Soil Technology (BST) is a generic term to describe the emerging field of manufactured growth media containing biodegradable fibers, biostimulants, biological inoculants and other components engineered to cost-effectively increase organic content, accelerate vegetative establishment, maintain a sustainable growing environment and promote regeneration of denuded soils.


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