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Infrastructure Digital Twin Maturity: A Model for Measuring Progress

Infrastructure Digital Twin Maturity: A Model for Measuring Progress

If you are leading an infrastructure project you, are probably interested in investigating and applying digital twins. You may be asked two key questions:

  1. What is a digital twin and where do I start?
  2. What business value can be delivered from this approach? As Yogi Berra said, “If you don’t know where you are going, you’ll end up someplace else.”

Infrastructure leaders need to select a destination on a map — and to understand that sometimes the destination is just the first one in the journey. Hence, the need for a maturity model that defines the succession of destinations on the journey. This is the purpose of this paper. It will help you understand where you are, set the initial destination, and offer assistance in making that journey. Our map is modelled using a Digital Maturity Model, specifically focused for the application of a digital twin to infrastructure projects.

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