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Independent Forensic Investigation of Breaching and Flooding at Michigan Dams – Call for Information

Independent Forensic Investigation of Breaching and Flooding at Michigan Dams – Call for Information

LEXINGTON, Kentucky — As announced in an August 11, 2020 press release, an independent forensic investigation team has been engaged by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to perform an independent examination of the May 19, 2020 failures of the Edenville and Sanford dams and operations of Smallwood and Secord dams near Midland, Michigan. The team consists of John France, PE (team chair, Geotechnical and Emergency Action Planning); Irfan Alvi, PE (Human Factors and Structural); Jennifer Williams, PE (Geotechnical); Steve Higinbotham, PE (Hydraulic Structures); and Arthur Miller, PhD, PE (Hydraulics and Hydrology, Reservoir Operations).

The team has begun its investigation and is now in the information gathering and review phase of the work. The team is requesting relevant information that anyone may have regarding the failures of Edenville and Sanford Dams and the flood performance of Secord and Smallwood Dams.

To that end, the team offers two avenues for individuals or organizations to contact the team confidentially. First, the team has established an email box accessible only by the team, and information can be submitted to this email box at michigan.dams.forensics@gmail.com. Second, information can also be mailed to “Independent Forensic Team,” courtesy of Alvi Associates, Inc., 110 West Road, Suite 250, Towson, Maryland 21204. When submitting information, the team requests that you provide your contact information so that the team can reach out to you with any questions it may have.