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Illinois Tollway seeks design firms for Move Illinois projects

Illinois Tollway seeks design firms for Move Illinois projects

Downers Grove, Ill. — The Illinois Tollway announced that it is seeking firms to provide a variety of professional engineering services for 34 new contracts for its 15-year, $12 billion capital program Move Illinois: The Illinois Tollway Driving the Future.

These contracts will provide for an upcoming estimated $176 million in services related to the Tollway’s Move Illinois Program.

Contracts being advertised in the Professional Services Bulletin (PSB) 17-3 include:

  • Sixteen design contracts for the Central Tri-State Tollway (I-294).
  • One design contract for pavement and structural preservation on the North Tri-State Tollway (I-94)
  • Two design contracts for pavement and structural preservation on the Reagan Memorial Tollway (I-88).
  • Three construction management contracts for work upon request on the Tri-State Tollway (I-/94/I-294/I-80).
  • Three construction management contracts for work on I-88.
  • Two construction management contracts for the Veterans Memorial Tollway (I-355).
  • Three construction management contracts for the Illinois Route 390 Tollway and the I-490 Tollway.
  • One construction management contract for systemwide projects.
  • Contracts for system wide pavement management, aerial mapping, underwater inspection of bridge structures and construction management upon request.

Firms interested in submitting a proposal can visit the “Doing Business” section on the Tollway’s website www.illinoistollway.com for more information. Submissions are due May 4, 2017, with contracts expected to be awarded by the Illinois Tollway Board of Directors during summer 2017. Work is expected to begin this year.

Illinois Tollway professional engineering services contracts are awarded through the qualifications-based selection process (Illinois Public Act 87-673 {30 ILCS 535/1-535/80}) Architectural, Engineering and Land Surveying Qualifications-Based Selection Act), which requires state agencies to select professional architects, engineers and surveyors on the basis of demonstrated competence and professional qualifications.