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ICC-ES and NCSEA agreement marks new milestone for building safety

WHITTIER, CALIF. — ICC Evaluation Service Inc. (ICC-ES) and the National Council of Structural Engineers Association (NCSEA) have signed an agreement that will provide active NCSEA participation and support for the ICC-ES Evaluation Program. Both parties recognized the benefits that this collaboration provides to manufacturers, code officials, and the design community.

The agreement includes procedures for review, by structural engineers, of selected proposed acceptance criteria, involving complex structural products and systems, thereby ensuring that an important voice is heard when ICC-ES is considering new and innovative products or systems.

“Due to the complexity of innovation taking place with structural related products, systems and methods of construction, ICC-ES saw the benefits of expanding its relationship with NCSEA and the structural engineering community,” said Mark Johnson, ICC-ES president  “This expanded relationship with NCSEA addresses an industry need to formulate consensus and provide solutions on complex structural issues.”

Under this agreement, NCSEA will establish a panel of experts to review the proposed acceptance criteria for complex structural products and systems. After such review, a report is provided to ICC-ES staff and the Evaluation Committee. The input from NCSEA will assist in identifying and providing solutions for complex technical issues. Evaluation reports based on acceptance criteria developed through this process will continue to ensure report users that a balanced and thorough approach has been applied when considering alternative structural products and systems.

“NCSEA is pleased to have the opportunity to cooperate with ICC-ES, in enhancing the value of ICC-ES for structural engineers. We look forward to more opportunities to work with ICC and ICC-ES in the future,” said Jeanne M. Vogelzang, J.D., CAE, NCSEA executive director.

Also under the agreement, there will be joint efforts to educate users of evaluation reports on the proper use and application of acceptance criteria and evaluation reports.

For more information, please visit www.icc-es.org.