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ICC-ES acceptance criteria now available in the ICC online store

WASHINGTON, D.C. – ICC Evaluation Service (ICC-ES) acceptance criteria (ACs) are now available for purchase. In the spirit of continued transparency, ICC-ES and the International Code Council (ICC) have included all approved ICC-ES ACs in the selection of publications available in the ICC online store. This allows ICC-ES to protect its intellectual property and preserve the integrity of its AC development process, which ultimately results in maintaining the highest quality evaluation reports in the industry. Customers who purchase an AC or compendium of ACs will receive four complimentary updates if the ICC-ES Evaluation Committee, comprised of code officials from jurisdictions across the U.S., revises an AC. Pricing includes a discount for ICC Members.

“We are the only trusted source of acceptance criteria due to our unparalleled development process,” said ICC-ES President Shahin Moinian. “That is just one reason our competitors say ‘acceptance criteria for any given subject should continue to be developed and maintained by a single agency.’ ICC-ES is that agency – the one with the most expertise and experience in the industry.”

“ICC-ES develops acceptance criteria for new and innovative products because the International Codes do not have any specific provisions for such products, due to the lag time that exists between product innovation and new product recognition in the code. In addition, even if a product is mentioned in the code, the code requirements may be so vague that an acceptance criteria is still needed.”

Evaluation Committee meetings take place three times a year. Although an alternative process exists for certain situations where a hearing is determined to be unnecessary, the Evaluation Committee must adopt any criteria before it becomes effective.

“What makes ICC-ES acceptance criteria so widely accepted is the fact that all interested parties have an opportunity to participate in the criteria development process. This participation also brings quality to the acceptance criteria, which leads to even greater acceptance of ICC-ES evaluation reports.
