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Innovative Techniques Speed Critical Infrastructure Upgrades in East Hartford

WASHINGTON, DC (March 9, 2020) – H.W. Lochner, Inc., of East Hartford, Conn., has earned a National Recognition Award for exemplary engineering achievement in the American Council of Engineering Companies’ (ACEC) 53rd annual Engineering Excellence Awards (EEA) for replacing bridges on Interstate 84 and Route 2 in East Hartford.

The four-bridge project along the I-84 corridor utilized the innovative design-build project delivery method, whereby design and construction work take place concurrently to expedite completion and control costs. The project also used a variety of cutting-edge accelerated bridge construction techniques. At two locations, for example, specially designed bridge abutments allowed the erection of single-span, full-size replacement structures to get underway sooner than originally scheduled.

For the Potter School Road crossing, prefabricated bridge units along with lightweight decking and specialized connections substantially shortened construction time, limiting impacts to motorists. In addition to lending themselves to fast-track completion, the designs will be less costly to maintain, stretching Connecticut’s precious transportation funding resources.

Other project participants include the Middlesex Corporation of Middleton, Mass.; Freeman Companies of Hartford, Conn.; and CME Associates of East Hartford, Conn.

The project is eligible for additional honors as part of a record 203 entries this year representing engineering excellence from throughout the nation and the world. Judging for the awards program—known industry-wide as the “Academy Awards of the engineering industry”– took place in February and was conducted by a national 35-member panel of built environment leaders, along with experts from government, the media and academia. Award criteria focused on uniqueness and originality, technical innovation, social and economic value, and generating excitement for the engineering profession.

Recognition of all award winners including top winners—20 Honor Awards, 16 Grand Awards and the prestigious “Grand Conceptor Award” for the year’s most outstanding overall engineering achievement—will take place at the annual EEA Dinner and Gala, a black-tie event to be held Tuesday, April 28, 2020, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.

The American Council of Engineering Companies (ACEC) is the business association of America’s engineering industry, representing more than 5,200 independent engineering firms and more than 600,000 professionals throughout the United States engaged in the development of America’s transportation, water and energy infrastructure, along with environmental, industrial and other public and private facilities. Founded in 1906 and headquartered in Washington, D.C., ACEC is a national federation of 52 state and regional organizations.