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HNTB partners with Port Authority of New York and New Jersey to deliver Hoboken PATH Station upgrades in under 30 days

The scheduled closure allowed service to be maintained while substantial work was completed in a rapid timeframe

NEWARK, N.J. – HNTB congratulates the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (PANYNJ) on reopening the Hoboken PATH Station 25 days after closing it to perform vital infrastructure repairs and improvements. The work is part of PANYNJ’s two-year, $430 million PATH Forward program and includes projects from PATH’s Superstorm Sandy program. HNTB is the program manager for the Superstorm Sandy program and was a lead in supporting PATH in the planning and execution of the Hoboken Station improvements.

The improvements to Hoboken PATH Station entailed extensive track and station work, including the replacement of tracks in the approach tunnels, within the station, and the interlocking track switching system, which HNTB designed, that serves the station. The station underwent significant refurbishment with new stairs, lighting, flooring, rub rails, tactile edges, as well as painting and restoration of historic tile and new tile walls. These improvements were made possible by the full station closure, which allowed the work to be performed on an expedited basis.

“By effectively managing time and adhering to established timeline, the project was successfully completed on schedule, meeting all deadlines,” said Ihab Francis, senior project manager.

“The PATH team was dedicated to performing these significant improvements within the scheduled time frame to reduce the disruption of service for the traveling public,” said Phil Camilleri, senior program manager. LeFran Borges, program manager on the Sandy program added, “HNTB understood the complexity of this project and we are proud to have assisted in delivering a refreshed and modernized Hoboken Station for PATH and its customers.”

In a separate capacity, HNTB has been serving as the program manager for PATH’s Sandy Recovery Program for the past seven years, supporting the client’s $1.5 billion Sandy Recovery Program following Superstorm Sandy. The firm has provided construction and design oversight work on more than 40 projects under this program.