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Helix Steel & Specification Products Introduce New Innovative Carbon Reducing Solution

Helix Steel & Specification Products Introduce New Innovative Carbon Reducing Solution

NOBLESVILLE, Ind. – Helix Steel and Specification Products have partnered to launch the Infinity Slab™ with Helix Steel and E5®.

Infinity Slab™ is an innovative new solution in the concrete industry that creates stronger and more durable concrete slabs and applications that save time and money — not only during the construction process but also throughout the life of the concrete. Infinity Slab™ with Helix Steel and E5® eliminates  traditional curing and densifying methods, reduces shrinkage, and reduces curling while helping to minimize volume loss from the concrete application. This results in concrete that is capable of carrying higher loads with longer joint spans than what was previously achievable with other solutions. This solution drastically reduces costly and time-consuming cutting and sealing, and lessens long-term maintenance issues.

How Helix Steel’s Infinity Slab™ & Specification Products’ E5® Internal Cure® Work Together

Helix Steel’s Infinity Slab™ is a full-service solution that comes with engineering and field support provided by a team of experts. Infinity Slab™ works by utilizing Helix’s pioneering twisted steel micro reinforcement technology that increases the flexural strength of concrete by mixing millions of patented Micro Rebar® elements into the concrete. Combined with Specification Products’ E5® Internal Cure®’s innovative nano-silica technology, wet curing and topical densifiers are eliminated while improving finishability and ensuring a quality solution that is repeatable, quantifiable, and sustainable.

These US-created and US-based products are emerging disruptive technologies and are coming together to create revolutionary industry change. They have been independently verified by industry-leading accreditation agencies, third-party testing firms, and have been used in millions of yards of real world concrete applications.

“Our partnership addresses some of the biggest challenges in the concrete industry by bringing micro- and nano-technology together. This will enable us to provide our customers even more value with better performing, lower maintenance, and more sustainable concrete,” said Luke Pinkerton, President & Chief Technology Officer of Helix Steel.

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