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HDR selected for West Virginia I-79 signing project

PITTSBURGH, PA. — The West Virginia Department of Transportation Traffic Engineering Division has hired HDR to provide a sign inventory, sign fabrication details, and contract plans for the renovation of 60 miles of signing on I-79 between Weston, W.V., and the Pennsylvania state line. In addition to I-79 mainline signing, the project includes signing at 21 interchanges.

WVDOT’s ongoing program is designed to meet national signing requirements on its federal-aid highway system. New federal standards also require enhancing sign visibility/legibility for the aging driving population.

HDR will use an HDR-developed ArcPad application to collect sign and roadway feature data within the study area and provide a report for each sign assembly.

"This is HDR’s fourth selection in the last five years for a WVDOT sign renovation project," said Amy Staud, project manager. "After completing this project, HDR will have designed all of the I-79 signing in West Virginia."