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Hazard Pay: How to Protect Profits From the Digital Data Explosion

Hazard Pay: How to Protect Profits From the Digital Data Explosion

Emails, transmittals, submittals, RFIs, field reports, punch lists and other forms of project information flood an engineer’s workday. Time spent managing information steals time from design and client service. Paper documents and manual tracking are no longer up to the task. Fortunately, just as software is to blame for generating so much data, it’s also capable of managing the information explosion. In this complimentary webcast, two engineers describe how their companies are mitigating the risks that come with unprecedented quantities of project information.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify the ways the information explosion exposes your firm to risk
  • Discover improved ways to collaborate, whether between offices or with architects, consultants and clients
  • See how to replace paper with complete, searchable, all-digital project information
  • Learn best practices for leveraging process and technology together to mitigate risk

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