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Harnessing the Potential of Program Management: HDR’s Latest Experts Talk

Harnessing the Potential of Program Management: HDR’s Latest Experts Talk

OMAHA, Neb. — Program management offers the opportunity to find new efficiencies throughout the delivery of interrelated projects. Understanding and harnessing its potential can unlock key benefits for owners of complex infrastructure projects.

HDR’s latest Experts Talk interview features Erin Slayton, P.E., who explores key points that are vital to successfully apply program management and shares wisdom on tailoring resources suited to each owner’s situation.

Program management is not a new concept in our industry but its usefulness in today’s world of aging infrastructure, funding constraints and ever-increasing stakeholder expectations is greater than ever. Drawing on her deep background on complex, multibillion-dollar programs, Slayton sheds light on the best uses for program management and common myths about the approach.

“The most common misperception is that it’s typical project management, just on a larger scale,” Slayton says. “On the contrary, the risks are different, the considerations are different. A $1 billion program isn’t just a bigger $100 million project.  You don’t just scale up your delivery approach, you think it through differently.”

Read the whole interview to learn more about program management for transportation infrastructure and connect with Slayton on LinkedIn.

HDR’s Experts Talk interview series shines a light on various aspects of transportation infrastructure design and delivery. Each subject matter expert offers unique expertise and insights about new and ongoing trends, emerging technologies and the human side of infrastructure.