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Ground control points now available in 3DR Site Scan

Ground control points now available in 3DR Site Scan

Berkeley, Calif. — 3DR, makers of Site Scan, a drone data platform for engineering and construction, announced that ground control points (GCPs) are now available to be processed in Site Scan. According to 3DR, this is a major development of how drone imagery is turned into actionable data: With this release, Site Scan is now the only end-to-end drone data platform with cloud processing for ground control points.

GCPs are easily identifiable markers on the ground of a jobsite that can be used to georeference drone maps and models. This makes it possible to increase the absolute accuracy of drone data and create better deliverables like orthomosaics, point clouds, and more.

Processing with GCPs in Site Scan offers industry-leading precision, 3DR said: While flying at 100 feet with the Site Scan Sony R10C and using GCPs, customers can achieve horizontal accuracy of 0.25 inches and vertical accuracy down to 0.25 inches.

“Ground control points are a game-changer for Site Scan,” said Chris Swigert, Liberty Excavators. “Now, I can easily tag and process GCPs in the cloud, and deliver my clients more accurate drone maps and models than ever before.”

As part of this launch, 3DR is also introducing Lightning, a GCP workflow. With Lightning’s intuitive user experience, Site Scan users can enter and tag GCPs five times faster than alternative workflows, the company said.

To learn more, visit www.3dr.com.