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Geotechnical Services, Inc., expands to Ft. Collins and names new vice president

FORT COLLINS, COLO. — Geotechnical Services, Inc. (GSI), has expanded their operations to include a new office in Fort Collins, Colo. GSI is a provider of geotechnical engineering services in the Midwest with seven other offices in Iowa, Kansas, and Nebraska. Heading up the Fort Collins branch office is newly named Vice President Robin Dornfest, a ten-year veteran in the fields of geotechnical engineering and engineering geology, and Fort Collins resident since 2000.

Dornfest has worked on a wide variety of projects throughout the United States, including dams and reservoirs, large public works projects, earth retention and dewatering projects, and geologic hazard evaluation and mitigation projects. Additionally, he has co-authored several publications related to research and projects.

“We were already doing a lot of work in Colorado and southern Wyoming,” said GSI President Chuck Brewer. “The addition of the new Fort Collins office allows GSI to better serve these areas. Dornfest really knows the subsurface geology of the region and its potential for impacting projects. We definitely picked the right man for the job.”