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Geotechnical Engineering Group changes name to Terracon

OLATHE, KAN. — Geotechnical Engineering Group (GEG), located in Grand Junction, Colo., officially changed its name to Terracon Consultants Inc. on Dec. 1, 2012. GEG joined Terracon in December 2010. As Terracon, they will continue to offer geotechnical, environmental, construction materials and facilities services.

“We have had a great two years as a Terracon company and look forward to fully transitioning,” said John Withers, P.E., Grand Junction office manager. “With our experience, and the significantly greater resources of Terracon, we are well positioned to help our valued clients meet their goals.”

Established in 1997, GEG is experienced with design and construction in the challenging and variable geology of Colorado, Utah, New Mexico and Wyoming. GEG has completed numerous local high-profile projects including Mesa County Justice Center, Mesa County Jail, Grand Junction City Hall, Riverside Parkway and the 30 Road Underpass.

Withers will continue as Grand Junction office manager.