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GEI white paper establishes framework for optimizing California—s water and energy resources

SACRAMENTO, CALIF. — GEI Consultants, Inc. released a white paper which, for the first time, frames high potential water-energy nexus strategies for California in context of the state’s policy and regulatory frameworks. The paper, “California’s Water-Energy Nexus: Pathways to Implementation,” was written on behalf of the Water-Energy Team of the Governor’s Climate Action Team (WET-CAT). Its goal is to help facilitate the ongoing dialogue among policymakers and regulators about the types of actions that can be taken by California’s water sector to help achieve the state’s aggressive resource efficiency, economic and environmental goals.

Water and wastewater agencies invest billions of dollars each year in repairs, improvements and expansions of water and wastewater systems and facilities. Every water sector dollar spent presents an opportunity to integrate energy-smart design and operations. By contrast, every missed opportunity represents lost energy savings and lost opportunities for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Said Martha Davis, Energy Committee chair for the Association of California Water Agencies: “The GEI white paper provides important information for the next step of dialogue on the opportunities and challenges of the energy-water nexus.”

Frances Spivy-Weber, vice chair of the State Water Resources Control Board and co-chair of the multi-agency WET-CAT, said: “Fully harvesting the benefits of California’s water-energy-climate nexus will require shedding historical silos in favor of cross-cutting investment models and criteria. The path will not be simple, but our needs are now urgent. This paper is a call to action. WET-CAT is prepared to help pave the way.”

Download a copy of GEI’s paper at: www.geiconsultants.com/-water-energy.