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Elevate the industry

Elevate the industry

Help get the word out about this exciting profession.

I was talking this morning with my primary business partner at Zweig Group, Chad Clinehens, about Zweig Group’s new thrust to “elevate the industry.” Being an engineer himself, he gets it. The problem in our business is one of public relations. Engineers do so many great things, but their status isn’t what it should be. Why is that? I think there are many reasons, some of which include:

Stereotyping — Engineers in movies or on TV programs are often shown as “nerds” who are good at math but lack social skills or act like they are socially inept in some way. This fact doesn’t enhance the image of the profession.

Introversion — There is some truth to the generalization that engineers are introverts. That means that engineers aren’t always the best at tooting their own horns and selling their many accomplishments and contributions to society. Engineers aren’t braggarts. Engineers are too quiet!

Weak marketers — Our industry and firms are predominated by weak marketers who are not getting the word out about the amazing stuff their firms produce. So once again, the word doesn’t get out. 

Let’s face it, it is in all of our collective interests to make engineering more interesting and more exciting. That’s how we will attract the new talent we need to the profession. It is also how we will increase the compensation for engineers in all specialties. 

Elevating the professions of civil and structural engineers is what Civil + Structural Engineer magazine is all about. It’s our reason for existence. We’re here to support you and help make you more successful! Let us know any ideas you have on how to make that more of a reality.

Mark C. Zweig mzweig@zweiggroup.com