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Do’s and Don’ts of HSS

Do’s and Don’ts of HSS

December 15, 2022 at 2pm CST

Over the years, the Steel Tube Institute has fielded hundreds of inquiries about the proper specification and design of HSS members and their connections. We have selected a few of our favorite do’s and don’ts and will share them throughout the course of the webinar. Our broad overview will include provisions related to end distance, weld length, wall thickness, material, and more.

Learning Objectives: 

  • Do understand the subtleties between available material specifications.
  • Don’t always rely on the full length of your weld.
  • Do know how to avoid end distance reductions or know how to apply them.
  • Do understand limits of applicability.
  • Don’t miss out on many more tips related to efficient and appealing connection design

Speaker: Beth Suminski, PE, SE

Beth has worked for 25 years as a structural engineer in the fields of consulting engineering, software, and continuing education. During her first few years, her experiences in construction defect litigation cemented her understanding of how and how NOT to design a structure. She spent the following years as a practicing consulting engineer in San Diego, and later as a director of structural software sales and development with Bentley. In her current position with FORSE, she continues to pursue both the design and educational aspects of structural engineering. Beth is a licensed PE and SE in California and a licensed PE in Arkansas.

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