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City completes $24 million upgrade of Staten Island water and sewer systems

New York — New York City Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) Commissioner Emily Lloyd and Department of Design and Construction (DDC) Acting Commissioner David Resnick announced the completion of a $24 million water and sewer infrastructure upgrade on the south shore of Staten Island that will allow 150 homes in the Rossville neighborhood to connect to the City’s sewer system. The project included the installation of nearly three miles of sanitary sewers, more than a mile of storm sewers and 52 catch basins, as well as new drinking water distribution mains throughout the area.

Prior to this project the Rossville neighborhood did not have a sewer system and street flooding was a common problem when it rained. The newly installed catch basins will allow precipitation to drain into the new storm sewers where it will be diverted to the Bluebelt system, which will help to alleviate street flooding during heavy rain storms. The new sanitary sewers will allow homeowners to connect to the City sewer system and discontinue the use of septic tanks. The infrastructure upgrade, which began in 2011, was funded by DEP and managed by DDC.

“This $24 million investment in the Rossville neighborhood will reduce flooding, improve the quality of life for local residents and increase the value of their homes,” said DEP Commissioner Emily Lloyd. “With nearly $700 million budgeted for work on Staten Island over the next 10 years we will continue to build out, and upgrade, water and sewer infrastructure to ensure the borough remains a desirable place to live and raise a family.”

The project included the installation of 13,758 feet of sanitary sewers, 7,433 feet of storm sewers, 52 catch basins, 118 manholes, and 10 fire hydrants, as well as new sidewalks, curbs and pedestrian ramps, and resurfaced roadways. The new catch basins and storm sewers will divert stormwater directly to a Bluebelt where it will be stored and naturally filtered. The Bluebelt program preserves and optimizes natural drainage corridors including streams, ponds, and lakes. In addition, the Bluebelts provide important open spaces and diverse wildlife habitats. Expanding the use of Bluebelts to reduce flooding and improve the water quality of New York Harbor is one of the operational goals outlined in Strategy 2011-2014, a far-reaching strategic plan that lays out 100 distinct initiatives to make DEP the safest, most efficient, cost-effective, and transparent water utility in the nation.

While the roadways were opened to upgrade the sewer system, the City also installed 4,548 feet of new distribution water mains. Distribution water mains range in size from 8 to 12 inches and make up the local water delivery system. Upgrading the water main network will help to ensure a reliable supply of high quality drinking water for area residents and businesses.