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Citinet Solutions Building Construction Firm’s Next-Gen Database System

Citinet Solutions Building Construction Firm’s Next-Gen Database System

Citinet Solutions, which lifts businesses’ profitability by improving processes and relationships, announced today that it has begun work on a major business systems overhaul for an international construction and development management company.

NEW YORK  (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — The project involves updating database functionality, integrating with HubSpot and SharePoint, building portals for clients and project management, enhancing document creation and storage, and improving analytics that can be output in formatted web-based and exportable reports.

“When I received the RFP for this project, I lit up; it involved everything Citinet is known for,” says Citinet founder and CEO Edward Zaremba. Like many legacy enterprises, the construction company has relied heavily on Microsoft and Adobe products over the years, but it needed a solution that provided automation, scalable databases and the ability to aggregate data.

“Everybody loves these Microsoft workhorses because years of use have made them comfortable to users, but they can’t perform up to today’s technology standards when it comes to customization and producing dynamic metrics,” Zaremba says. “Citinet’s documented skill set in guiding this transition from MS-dependency is one of the chief reasons the company selected us, I think.”

The Citinet implementation, which is based on Apple’s legendary FileMaker platform, will emphasize user convenience and agility for staff and customers, whether desktop of mobile.

“We know from two decades of experience that a solution is only as good as its user adoption rate,” says Zaremba. “From intuitive, adaptable dashboards to ease of data entry, our implementations consistently improve user adoption – and I believe a lot of that is because we get granular with users at the start of development.”

The construction company’s users in its five U.S. offices and two abroad will have access to real-time data and customized reports with a few clicks or swipes.

Because the company’s work can include multiple roles – assessments and oversights, development management, project management and construction management – it was imperative that staff be able to share information and pull reports without combing multiple spreadsheets and forms.

Customers also will see improvements in communication and document handling.

Using a web-based portal, customers will be able to initiate projects or monitor work, and potential clients will be able to upload RFP documentation.

“When this project is completed, our client will have adaptable software that will drive profitability and carry the company into the next decade,” Zaremba says.