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Build America Bureau releases P3 discussion paper

Build America Bureau releases P3 discussion paper

Washington, D.C. — The Build America Bureau, in cooperation with the Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) Center for Innovative Finance Support, released a discussion paper on Early Involvement of Private Developers in the Consideration of Long-Term Public-Private Partnership Concession Options.  This discussion paper draws upon past and current experiences to examine different mechanisms used by public agencies for involving private developers during the early stages of a project delivered through a public-private partnership (P3).  The paper also evaluates consultative mechanisms used during project procurement and after contract award.

The paper is available at: https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/ipd/pdfs/p3/early_involvement_private_sector_p3s.pdf.

This discussion paper is part of a P3 Toolkit consisting of tools and guidance documents to assist in educating transportation professionals as well as public sector policymakers and legislative and executive staff.  The objective of the paper is to identify approaches that have been effective in securing early input from the private sector to enhance opportunities for P3s.

The Build America Bureau and FHWA issued an invitation to a webinar on Thursday, June 15, 2017 from 1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. Eastern.  Sharon Greene of HDR and Tom Frawley of Thomas E. Frawley Consulting, LLC will provide an overview of the key concepts. They will be joined by the following officials from Arizona, California and Virginia who will discuss their experiences relating to involvement of P3 project developers and answer questions:

  • Morteza Farajian, Director, Office of Public-Private Partnerships, Virginia Department of Transportation
  • Gail Lewis, Director, Office of P3 Initiatives and International Affairs, Arizona Department of Transportation
  • Dr. Joshua Schank, Chief Innovation Officer, Office of Extraordinary Innovation, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority

Pre-registration is required for this event. Register at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/techniques-for-early-involvement-of-private-developers-for-public-private-partnerships-tickets-31551056058.