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Baker wins 2010 ACEC/PA—s Diamond Honor Award

HARRISBURG, PA. — The American Council of Engineering Companies of Pennsylvania (ACEC/PA) presented Michael Baker Jr., Inc., an engineering unit of Michael Baker Corporation, with a Diamond Honor Award in the Special Projects Category at the 2010 Annual Awards Dinner in Hershey, Pa. Baker received the award for its outstanding route planning and bridge and highway engineering to support AREVA NP Inc.’s delivery of two steam generators to Three Mile Island Generating Station (TMI) in Middletown, Pa.

This fast-track project required delivery of the generators in September 2009 to support TMI’s license renewal to continue operations through 2034. The components will help TMI continue to provide domestically produced energy to more than 800,000 homes and the employment of approximately 750 people.

The steam generators and transporter units, each at 825 tons, 153 feet long, 18 feet wide, and 24 feet high, were the largest loads ever transported on Pennsylvania and Maryland highways. The route to TMI was characterized by its 75-mile length, hilly terrain, narrow rural roadways, and many water crossings.

Baker performed highway and bridge design, environmental investigations, permitting, utility coordination, construction management, and transport support services to deliver the engineering solutions needed to safely transport these unique vessels. With nearly 150 stakeholders, AREVA and Baker’s coordination included two state governments and multiple departments of their respective transportation and environmental agencies, state police departments, municipal authorities, utilities, local emergency management agencies, and school districts.