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ASTM International launches group to create standards for non-hydraulic cement

Conshohocken, Pa. — ASTM International announced a new group focused on creating standards for non-hydraulic cement. The group will hold its first meeting on Thursday, June 15, at 9:30 a.m. as part of ASTM International’s June “Committee Week” in Toronto, Canada.

The group is a subcommittee of the organization’s committee on cement (C01) which is home to hundreds of technical experts and industry leaders throughout the world.

Non-hydraulic cements can serve as an alternative to the more common Portland cement in some applications. Architects, engineers, and others involved in building design and construction have a growing interest in such alternative cements.

Cement producers, contractors, other users, and anyone with an interest in non-hydraulic cements is encouraged to join the subcommittee.