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Association for California High Speed Trains launches new website

SACRAMENTO, CALIF. — The Association for California High Speed Trains (ACHST), an association dedicated to educating and informing the public, business community, and government officials about the benefits of high-speed rail for all Californians, announced the launch of their new website, www.achst.com.

“Our goal is to promote funding, planning, engineering, construction, and operation of a modern and cost-efficient high-speed rail system for California,” said Jo Linda Thompson, ACHST executive director.

The new site reflects the association’s commitment to a California high-speed rail system and greatly enhances information available to construction companies, engineers, and the general public. The new website features a resources and news section, providing access to information regarding high-speed rail. The new site also features a membership section, where engineers and the construction community are able to take advantage of ACHST resources. These resources include: high-speed rail government relations, trained professional staff, education materials and presentations, and partnerships with groups that support high-speed rail.

Under the direction of the California High-Speed Rail Authority, the ACHST seeks to enhance California’s transportation system by securing funding from federal, state, local, and private sources to design and build a network of high-speed trains.