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Armstrong World Industries Announces Strategic Healthy Buildings Partnership with 9 Foundations

Armstrong World Industries Announces Strategic Healthy Buildings Partnership with 9 Foundations

Install metal frame for plaster board ceiling at house under construction

LANCASTER, Pa. (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Armstrong World Industries, Inc. (NYSE: AWI) announced it has commenced a partnership with 9 Foundations, Inc. (9F), an independent scientific advisory firm founded by Dr. Joseph G. Allen, associate professor at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, director of Harvard’s Healthy Buildings Program, and co-author of the book Healthy Buildings. The team at 9F consists of leading scientific experts on the connections between human health and built environments, bringing unmatched technical knowledge and experience to the most critical public health challenges of our time, including Covid-19. With this partnership, 9F will work with AWI in its continued focus on manufacturing ceiling and wall solutions based on the most advanced healthy building science and design.

AWI CEO Vic Grizzle said, “We are very excited about this relationship with Dr. Allen and his healthy buildings team at 9F. Creating healthy indoor environments requires a holistic approach, and that means actively collaborating across disciplines to solve the complex problem at hand: making our spaces better for the health and well-being of people. At AWI, our team includes chemical, mechanical, electrical, and industrial engineers, chemists, material scientists and digital designers and technologists. Joe’s team at 9F includes experts in the fields of public health, infectious disease transmission and intervention, worker health and safety, and risk assessment and mitigation. By working together, we can advance our collective understanding of what makes a healthy space and develop ceiling and wall solutions that will make a meaningful difference in protecting people where we live, work, learn, heal and play.”

Building on a legacy of leading-edge product design and materials science, AWI currently makes sustainable ceiling and wall solutions that “clean, contain and protect” by improving key elements of indoor environmental quality: indoor air quality and ventilation, acoustics, and natural and supplemental lighting. 9F will work with AWI to evaluate new health-based technologies and innovation opportunities that support “The 9 Foundations of a Healthy Building” – ventilation, air quality, thermal health, moisture, dusts and pests, safety and security, water quality, noise, and lighting and views – and will help AWI grow its current healthy spaces portfolio.

Of the partnership, Dr. Allen said, “The pandemic has given the public a heightened awareness of how indoor environments influence our health and well-being. Healthy buildings are the new expectation, and rightly so. Companies like Armstrong understand this and want to lead in the global effort to radically change how we design and build. Together, we can realize our shared goal of creating indoor environments that optimize our mental and physical health and performance.”

To learn more, visit armstrongceilings.com and 9foundations.com.