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AEC TECH NEWS: Updated NRCS Web Soil Survey now online

AEC TECH NEWS: Updated NRCS Web Soil Survey now online

Washington, D.C. — The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) released the latest version of its popular Web Soil Survey (WSS). This newest update features improvements and enhancements to help users at all levels be better informed and prepared when they make land-use decisions.


A web-based application, the new WSS (Version 3.2) provides a wealth of soils information, data and soil survey maps — all free and downloadable. The WSS now includes a “Use Quick Map” function on its Preferences menu that allows quicker map drawing with a fewer limitations.

Other improvements and enhancements include:

  • Internet Explorer v.11 is now the minimum standard for WSS. Chrome and Firefox can also be used;
  • Area of Interest (AOI) can now be imported for use in WSS, along with field names to identify various parcels;
  • Thematic maps created for the AOI that can now be downloaded using a WMS or a WFS service to use on local GIS software;
  • AOI Download now contains thematic maps created during the session; and
  • Scale Warnings are now displayed on the screen and on printed maps whenever the user zooms beyond the scale of mapping.

Access the WSS at https://websoilsurvey.sc.egov.usda.gov/App/HomePage.htm.