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ACPA Announces New Board Members & Steve Hoesing as Association Chairman

ACPA Announces New Board Members & Steve Hoesing as Association Chairman

The American Concrete Pipe Association (ACPA) is pleased to announce the association’s new Chairman of the Board and new Board of Directors members, both confirmed during the ACPA’s Annual Convention held April 2-4, 2023.  Steve Hoesing, President of Pipe, Precast, & Prestress at County Materials, has been named the 116th Chairman of the Board and will serve a one-year term.  Along with a new chairman, Hank Gottschalk, Concrete Pipe & Precast, and Dave Swenson, Eastern States Steel Corporation, have been named to the Board of Directors.

As Chairman of the Board, Hoesing leads the ACPA Executive Committee, which consists of five offices:  Secretary, Treasurer, Vice-Chair, Chair, and Immediate Past Chair (see the complete list of officers and Board of Directors).  In addition to being added to the Board of Directors, Gottschalk is taking on the role of Secretary on the Executive Committee.  This is Hoesing’s fourth year on the Executive Committee.

“To serve the ACPA as chairman is an incredible honor and I am deeply humbled by this opportunity,” said Chairman Hoesing.  “In my time in the association, I have seen a variety of changes and challenges in the industry ranging from consolidation, increased competition, a changing workforce, and environmental regulations.  As we move forward, I want to focus on continually finding ways to bring members together and collectively address these challenges.  In the last year we had our largest Pipe School ever, engaged more of the industry in our education programs, and developed a new brand more reflective of our product and people.  Moving ahead, we want to build on this momentum as we position ourselves to take a leadership role in helping to shape and ensure compliance to pending environmental regulations.”

Hoesing has been in the concrete pipe industry for 45 years, serving in different capacities from production and operations to sales and management.  He currently serves as the President of County Materials’ Pipe, Precast, & Prestress division, where he has been for the last decade.  He received his BS in Architecture from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 

“For the last 115 years,” comments ACPA President, Steve Hawkins, “the ACPA has proudly been member-led and relied upon our member’s unique industry knowledge and leadership strengths to guide the association.  Chairman Hoesing is a prime example of the proven leadership that has sustained our industry’s growth and challenges.  We look forward to how he will build off the momentum sustained by Immediate Past Chairman, Kurt Johnson, and the impact he will have in helping us meet current and future challenges for generations to come.”