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A complete series of guides to running a business, new from The Survey Association

<strong>A complete series of guides to running a business, new from The Survey Association</strong>

Working in partnership with Leeds Beckett University, The Survey Association, the trade association representing land surveyors in the UK, has commissioned The Retail Institute at the university’s Leeds Business School, to produce a series of useful guides to running a business for all members of The Survey Association (TSA).

The 11 guides can be downloaded by TSA members from the TSA website. The diverse range of topics included encompass all aspects of managing a modern business. The guides cover everything a business manager needs to know, from building a brand, to finance, productivity, mental health and wellbeing in the workplace, digital marketing, business resilience, sustainability and much more.

The guides contain top tips and recommendations of best practice in every area of business. With some academic content included, the guides also provide practical checklists, models and questions for the audience to apply and consider in order to support and guide their decision-making.

Chiefly targeting SMEs, the guides are aimed at any size of business, at whatever its stage of development. Whether a member is just setting up a new business for the first time and needs to put systems and processes in place or has a more established firm and is now looking to healthcheck existing practices or introduce new ideas, the guides are ideal for ‘time poor’ TSA members, who are looking for effective, yet easy to implement, solutions.

Each of the guides has been authored by a different expert in that particular field, from human resources and marketing specialists to experienced practitioner academics, all providing top tips on strategy and implementation, as well as suggestions for further reading and other helpful resources.

Sam Roberts, Director at Met Geo Environmental Ltd and Technical Committee Chair for TSA, who has spearheaded the production of the business guides, says,

“Our membership of land survey professionals is made up of a huge range of people, all of whom have at least one thing in common – they are very busy people, working extremely hard for their customers, with little spare time to spend on business development. To help them achieve best practice and assist them in their constant drive for business improvement, we have been delighted to work together with The Retail Institute at Leeds Beckett University, one of the UK’s leading academic research centres, to provide these in-depth business guides.

“One of our vision statements at TSA is, ‘TSA will help you build a better business’. These guides are designed to do just that, and we hope our members will find them informative, practical and helpful.”

The first guide, Good Mental Health, is already available for TSA members to download from the website. Members should go to https://www.tsa-uk.org.uk/members-area/ to find out more. For information on how to become a member of TSA, go to https://www.tsa-uk.org.uk/membership/