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Jon Markt Promoted to HDR’s Transportation Safety Program Manager

Jon Markt Promoted to HDR’s Transportation Safety Program Manager

Jon Markt, P.E., RSP1, has been named manager of HDR’s transportation safety program, underscoring the firm’s commitment to helping communities reduce fatalities and serious injuries on roads.

Markt has 14 years of industry experience developing innovative traffic solutions and taking a leading role in helping communities align their transportation priorities with safety goals. Based in Omaha, Markt has provided traffic engineering and transportation planning on projects throughout the Midwest. Markt has established himself as an industry expert in safety action plans, strategic highway safety plans, crash prediction tools and methods, and corridor safety improvements.

As program manager, Markt will set the vision of the HDR transportation safety program, aligning project standards, goals and objectives to reduce fatal and life changing crashes and better serve clients. He will also identify best practices and guide business development in transportation safety, overseeing staff who contribute to safety projects worldwide.

“So much more is needed to save lives on our roads,” said Markt, a certified road safety professional. “From the adoption of innovative safety solutions to the prioritization of safety grant funding to help implement proven treatments, our future work will help cities and communities around the world to achieve safer transportation systems.”

Markt’s understanding of transportation safety elements has also been valuable in helping clients secure project funding. His knowledge of the grant application process and experience shaping successful applications have helped agencies secure tens of millions of state and federal dollars to subsidize project costs. He is a former recipient of the Young Professional of the Year Award from the American Council of Engineering Companies of Nebraska. He was also previously named a Top Young Professional by ENR Midwest.

“Jon is the right person to lead HDR’s effort to help our clients further improve road safety,” said HDR Highways and Roads Director Bernie Arseneau. “His leadership in developing our growing transportation safety practice has positioned us on the cutting edge of understanding traffic safety challenges and helping agencies deliver meaningful safety improvements that enhance the quality of life of those using our transportation system.”