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A Letter from the Editor

A Letter from the Editor

Civil+Structural Engineer Media Editor Luke Carothers poses while touring the Grand Egyptian Museum. Statue features likeness of Ramesses II and stands in the GEM's atrium.

By Luke Carothers

As the excitement of another New Year still hangs warmly in every action and conversation, many of us turn to the yearly tradition of making commitments towards accomplishing the goals that lay before us.  In this regard, I often count myself fortunate on a professional level in that my goal doesn’t change from year to year.  I am committed to providing content about projects, procedures, technology, and news from the AEC industry in a way that is timely, useful, and accessible to our readers.  While my goal as Editor–and our goal as a team–doesn’t change in this regard, we are constantly evaluating the way we deliver that information to our readers.  

Our commitment to Elevate the AEC industry has driven us to continually re-evaluate the way we deliver award-winning content to our readers.  This has resulted in several changes in the new year, and I’m excited to see our content delivered to you in new and exciting ways.  Here are some of things we’ve done to better serve our audience and advertisers:

New and Improved CSEngineerMag.Com

Our website has a brand new look for the New Year.  This space has been shaped by the responses of readers to put the information that matters to you first, leading with the content channels that define your viewing experience.  Our website will continue to deliver the same timely, pertinent, and continually-refreshed content our audience has come to expect organized to support the designers of the world around us.

Civil+Structural Engineer Magazine goes Quarterly

The story of Civil+Structural Engineer Magazine has always been one of change and development.  What started as three separate print publications nearly two decades ago transformed into one digital magazine, eventually becoming the online media platform it is today.  Embracing our tradition of adapting to suit the needs of our audience, Civil+Structural Engineer Magazine is switching to a quarterly format in 2024–giving our readers four outstanding issues of our award-winning magazine that dive deeper than ever into the projects, people, and ideas elevating the AEC industry.

More Original Content, More Often

Our goal as an online media platform is to provide our audience with the latest news and thought leadership from firms across the AEC industry and around the world.  Readers will be able to access fresh and timely content on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis on our website with additional opportunities in weekly and monthly curated emails.  Our new publication format allows us to publish original content to our newly-redesigned website on a daily basis while still providing timely press releases about AEC industry information.  

New Media Kit and Advertising Opportunities

In an ever-evolving media landscape, we have stood the test of time and transformation, emerging as a beacon of trustworthiness and credibility for professionals in the AEC industry.  As reader preferences shifted towards digital consumption, we seamlessly adapted to the changing landscape by expanding our media offerings.  As a part of our outlook for 2024, we have released our 2024 Media Kit, which includes expanded opportunities for advertisers in the new year.   Our advertising services are designed to be adaptable and responsive to the individualized needs of our valued advertisers.  We are enthusiastic about the prospect of partnering with you to deliver on your advertising objectives and illuminate your content across our diverse media platforms.

We are incredibly excited for the opportunities that come with the new year, and we are eager to connect with you about editorial and advertising opportunities.  From myself and the rest of the wonderful C+S Media team, we want to extend the happiest of New Year’s wishes to everyone who helps move the AEC industry forward.  We look forward to continuing to provide you with the content you’ve come to expect from us and explore new heights together as we work together to Elevate the AEC industry.